With more than 115 years of security and stability, KCB is one of the best places to grow your money. We offer great interest rates, so ask us about a high-interest, no-worry CD today! When it comes to making your dollars grow, you'll be pleased to discover what green thumbs we have.
Savings Account
No minimum balance is required to maintain or open the account. You may make three withdrawals per month, nine per statement cycle. Additional withdrawals will be charged $2 each. Interest is compounded and credited quarterly on this account.
Current APY*: 0.35% • Interest Rate 0.35%
Travel Club
Here's an easy way to regulate your trave; savings. Sign up to the travel service to deposit a certain amount each week for 49 weeks, and on the 50th week the bank will make the last deposit for you. You have until the second Friday in February to start and the final check will be cut to you October 31--just in time for the travel season!
Speed Savers™
How does a kid go from $0 to $60 in nothing flat? By steering pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars into a savings account designed exclusively by KCB.
Objective: Meet Rod, Windy and Checkers, members of our Speed Savers™ team, who will help you get started in the race to save. So, get ready to join us in the Winner's Circle, where saving is rewarded with prizes.
How to play: Open a Speed Savers™ account and you're ready to start the race to save. Your first race is the Kearney 100. You begin at the starting line and receive a stamp for every $5 saved. Once you have saved $100 and completed the Kearney 100, a prize is awarded and you get ready to start the Kearney 250. The stakes are raised in the Kearney 250, followed by the Kearney 500, where racers receive a stamp for every $10 saved. Prizes are awarded based on actual account balance. Withdrawals are noted on official quarterly statements.
- Finish the Kearney 100 and win cool Speed Savers™ stickers.
- Finish the Kearney 250 and win a handy Speed Savers™ wrist pouch.
- Finish the Kearney 500 and win an awesome Speed Savers™ cap.
No minimum balance is required to maintain or open the account. You may make three withdrawals per month, nine per statement cycle. Additional withdrawals will be charged $2 each. Interest Rates are compounded and credited quarterly on this account.
Current APY*: 0.35% • Interest Rate: 0.35% ·
*Annual Percentage Yield. Subject to change at any time and without prior notification. Interest Rates and APYs quoted are good as of June 15, 2006. Fees could reduce earnings.